Explore patient biomarker profiles across assays and vendors with a single solution
Duration: 30 minutes
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What you’ll learn:
Biomarkers, when used to guide clinical programs, could mean the difference between success and failure.
But exploratory biomarker data can be a headache to manage. Translational and data science teams struggle with disconnected data flows from specialty labs, sponsor data processing pipelines, and clinical data stores.
Join Bill Hall for a webinar demo of the QuartzBio® enterprise Biomarker Data Management solution.
We’ll show you how to
- Generate patient profiles to view tumor burden over course of treatment
- Explore multi-marker views of patient profiles
- Review ancillary data (e.g. images)
- Evaluate patient profiles on a cohort level
- Cross-reference biomarker measures across file types; e.g., compare ctDNA profiles of interest with clinical efficacy biomarkers such as immunohistochemistry
Who should attend: Translational Research teams, Biomarker Operations teams, Clinical/Biomarker Data Science teams, Clinical Development teams, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology teams, Office of the CIO/CTO, Data Management teams